Okay just a fair warning this post is going to be a long one!
Lets get started...
Venezia I really don't have enough time to tell you how beautiful Venice was! All I said the first day I was there was wow! We went to a little island called Murano, which is famous for glass making. The glass was beautiful!
Hotel |
Then we went to the Hotel Molino Stucky, when I say we slept in a palace, I mean we slept in a palace! Every room in the hotel was different and the view was fabulous !
My host sister and I in Venice |
I really didn't want to leave, but I had my first meeting with all the exchange students in my district the same weekend, so after two days in Venice (well a day and a half) we packed our bags and headed Cordovado!
Not even gonna lie I was sick to my stomach about meeting the other exchange students! But we all arrived it was like a huge party! We all got along really well! Total there are 18 of us on this adventure in my district.
Then, it was time for reality... school! (I'm not going to cherry coat this at all)
The first day of school was, well AWFUL! It was one of the worst days of my life. No one can prepare you for the first day of school in a new country. Thank God I had Paige with me! (an exchange student) to help me get through the first day! Slowly, very slowly school got better. I attend Corpernico, which is a scientific school, and let me tell you its hard! I thought I was pretty good at science, but I was wrong! I have a small group of girls who have sorta taken me under there wing. They are wonderful and very nice!
Paige!<3 |
This past weekend I went to Brisighella for the Rotary Multidistrict inbound orientation. This weekend in one word... CrAzY! There is this certain feeling you get when you meet a new person and they are from Finland, Australia, Mexico, from all over the world that I can't describe. The craziest thing is we are all going through the same thing, we are starting a new life in a new country. Somehow we all act like we've known each other for years, when in reality its only been 3 days.
This is my district 2060 |
I had so much fun this weekend. From staying up till 4am, hiking barefoot, singing, Italian bumper cars, making friends, telling stories, exploring, eating Italian grapes (which I love!) finding spiders the size of my face ( this is no exaggeration, these spiders where HUGE! I've never been so scared in my life!), and of course laughing till we cried! Thank you Rotary Multidistrict for making this weekend possible! I will cherish this forever!

I would like to take a moment and tell y'all about the RYE people in my district! Well let start with I would not be here with out them, and I'm forever grateful to them for this experience! This is a bias statement, but I honestly think we have the best district! First there's Claudio, he is so funny and knows a lot. He tells us all about different plants, like which ones we can eat and which ones we can't, and he can sing! He is really good at it! (Funny story: We were about to leave to go back to the monastery and Claudio was trying to get on the bus, and he thought the door opened to right, when it really opened to the left, so when the door opened it hit him the face. I felt so bad for laughing, but I was crying I was laughing so hard.). Andrea is always smiling! He doesn't say much, but he is super funny when he gets going! Last but defiantly not last is, Raffaela, she is AMAZING! She speaks very well English and understands more than we thought! So she would always laugh at what we would say! She is one of those peoples who you just like to be around.
District 2060 is my new family and I love each and every member!